
Our clients expect accurate healthcare data. We have processes in place to make sure your reporting data are the same from your EMR, EHR, and other sources of patient data. You may also have different systems of records for your patients like Epic, Allscripts, IDX, Cerner and others by virtue of changing vendors or having more than one system to have the best hybrid system to meet your needs. Data can be complex and we can help you tie your systems together. We provide services and tools to help you analyze trends, mine data, and provide meaningful insights with all of your data sets.

Forecasting your data is very time consuming. We can assist you with census, labor, operating expenses and come up with models to predict monthly, quarterly, yearly EBITDA as an example. Medicare rates may change and we can accommodate “what if” scenarios in our models to help you plan for any upcoming changes from reimbursement. Labor $ are not static and we can provide some tools to assist managing labor on holidays, weekends, OT, and other events that impact your cost.

Data exist everywhere - on site, cloud, Excel, and other databases or documents. We provide services to integrate all of your data securely and work with your processes to consume your data. We are agnostic in reporting tools and we have expertise in Tableau, Power BI, QLIK, Microstrategy, Cognos, Excel, and many more.